tisdag 10 december 2013


What i have learned about Christmas today.

That they didn't celebrate christmas a long way back in time.
That the 25th of December is very important for the christians, because it honors the birth of Jesus Christ.
That santa clause had different colours than the usually red and white.
Christians didn't either celebrate christmas a long way back also.
in the 18th century Christmas was celebrated all over Europe.
That Christmas didn't become as we know it until 1800s, when prince Albert brought with him his tradition of decorating trees, he took it with him to England and it spread all around the world.
At first they didn't know which date Jesus was born, but in the end they came up with 25th December and have since then used it.

måndag 9 december 2013

Abstrakt konst. Jackson Pollock, Full Fathom five

Har nu gjort klart mina två målningar.
Den ena är som sagt Jackson Pollock, Full Fathom Five, och den andra är en av dom mer "traditionella" Abstrakta konst målningarna.