tisdag 4 december 2012

Charlie bit my finger.

Min översättning.

fredag 9 november 2012

The Lady.


Whenever I take the late shifts as watchman at a big mental hospital, I usually hear low pitched voices of a woman laughing coming from an empty cell.
It made me real scared the first times at my night shifts, but after a while I got used to it and it didn’t even frighten me anymore since I heard It almost every day.

After a while the laughter and crying increased and became even louder and I could hear it easier and easier for each day, It felt like it was coming closer to me, trying to speak to me.

There were this special night at my work. I heard a voice mumbling out ”You shouldn’t stay here, soon, nothing will be the same here” and ended it with a laugh. And I was just sitting there, speechless about what had just happened, took a sip of my coffee and tried to concentrate on my work, but I just couldn’t since I heard the voice in my head over and over again.

When i was coming back home to my apartment, ready to go to bed I heard that my door closed itself, i didn’t even think about it until I was in my bed and the door opened itself, I started to wonder what the hell was going on, until I heard the woman’s laugh again.

 I lay in my bed, so horrified that I couldn’t even move, just laying there watching the door, the woman started laughing and in a quick second my door was slammed shut.

I couldn’t sleep that day, not at all.
But i still had to get up that night to work at the mental hospital, I didn’t want to but i had to anyways. The night in the hospital was extremely quiet, I didn’t hear any voices or strange noises for around 4 hours.

But it wasn’t until I heard a loud bang and crashing from my colleague’s office, I rushed to his office to see that everything was ruined, something had thrown his desk chair and everything, all the papers were laying on the ground and so did my college, I thought it was a murderer until I heard the laughter again.
It was her.

I heard a shallow whisper ”I told him not to stay, but he did it anyways”
I couldn’t move, she started laughing and I couldn’t take it anymore, I rushed as fast as I could to my car and drove off as fast as I could home and immediately called the police.

The following day I heard from my boss that my colleague got killed the other night, the cops came but they didn’t find any traces from any person killing him, no traces, no nothing. It was like a ghost had killed him.
It was her. and I knew it. and whenever i look at myself in a mirror, i see her, trying to grab me.

torsdag 8 november 2012

Korv Stroganoff med Noa!

Shenixen, Idag har jag och noa gjort skit god stroganoff!

såhär gör du.
150g nötkött /200g falukorv
1 gul lök.
1 msk margarin.
1 msk tomatpure.
1/2 dl vatten.
1/2 dl grädde.
1 krm salt
1/2 krm peppar
ev 1 tsk soja
1 msk klippt persilja.

Såhär gör du.
1, Skär köttet eller korven i 1/2 cm tjocka skivor.
2, Skala och skär löken.
3, Smält margarinet i en stekpanna eller liten stekgryta och låt smöret bli ljusbrunt.
4, Bryn köttet eller korven först och låt sedan löken brynas en kort stund.
5, Tillsätt tomatpure.
6, Späd med vatten och grädde.
7. Smaksatt med salt och peppar.
8, låt köttet koka i 15-20 min. Låt korven koka i 5 min. Rör under tiden.
9, Strö över klippt persilja.


tisdag 6 november 2012

First draft THE LADY.


Whenever I take the late shifts as watchman at a big mental hospital, I usually hear low pitched voices of a woman laughing coming from an empty cell.

It got me real scared the first times at my night shifts, but after a while I got used to it and it didn’t even frighten me anymore since I heard It almost every day.

After a while the laughter and crying became more and more higher and I could hear it easier and easier for ever day, It felt like it was coming closer to me, trying to speak to me.

There were this special night at my work. I heard a voice mumbling out ”you shouldn’t stay here, soon, nothing will be like the same here” and ended it with a laugh. And I were just sitting there, speechless about just happened, took a sip of my coffee and tried to concentrate on my work, but I just couldn’t since I hear the voice in my head after and after and after.

When coming back home to my apartment, ready to just go to bed I hear that my door closed itself, i didn’t even think about it until I were in my bed and the door opened itself, I started to wonder what the hell is going on, until I heard the woman’s laugh again.

 I laid in my bed, so frightened that i couldn’t even move, just laying there watching the door, the woman started laughing and in a quick second my door were slammed shut.

I couldn’t sleep that day, not at all.
But i still had to get up that night to work at the mental hospital, I didn’t want to but i had to anyways. The night in the hospital was extremely quiet, I didn’t hear any voices or strange noises for around 4 hours.

But it wasn’t until I heard a loud bang and crashing from my office, I rushed to my office to see that everything was ruined, something had thrown my desk chair and everything, all the papers were laying on the ground, I thought it was a burglar until i heard the laughter again.
It was her.

I heard a shallow whisper ”I told you, don’t stay here”
I couldn’t move, she started laughing again and I couldn’t take it anymore, I took my car and drove home and went directly to sleep.

The other day I hear from my boss that another watchman got killed the other night, the cops came but they didn’t find any traces from an person, It was like a ghost had killed him.
It was her.

torsdag 25 oktober 2012

Spagetti med Nathalie!

Hej! idag har jag gjort spagetti med köttfärsås med Nathalie, det blev väldigt gott!
1/2 gul lök
1 vitlöksklyfta
150 g köttfärs
1 1/2 dl krossade tomater
2 krm salt
1 krm peppar
1 krm paprika pulver
2 krm örtkryddor
2 msk tomatketchup eller tomatpure
1 msk tomatpure
klippt persilja.
Såhär gör du!
1, Skala och hacka löken och vitlöken.
2, Värm matfettet i en stekpanna eller stekgryta.
3, Fräs löken tills den fått ljusgul färg.
4, Lägg i köttfärsen och låt den brynas tillsammans med löken i ca 5 min. Finfördela färsen tills den blir grynig.
5, Tilssätt krossade tomater, kryddor och tomatketchup eller tomatpuré. Låt det sjuda i 5 min på svag värme tillsätt eventuellt vatten om det behövs.
6, Skölj och klipp persiljan och strö över.

torsdag 18 oktober 2012

Kanelbullar med Evelina!

Hej! idag har jag gjort bullar med Evelina på hemkunskapen, så här gör du!
50 dl margarin
2dl mjölk
25 g färskjäst
1/2 dl socker
1 krm salt
5-6 vetemjöl
20 pappersformar.
2 msk margarin
2 msk socker
1 tsk kanel eller kardemumma eller vaniljsocker.

Såhär gör du!
1, Smält margarinet i en kastrull
2, tillsätt mjölken och värm den till fingervarmt
3, Smula jästen i en skål. häll degspadet över, blanda med en träsked
4, Tillsätt socker, salt och 4 1/2 dl vetemjöl
5, Arbeta degen smidig och tillsätt mer mjöl om det behövs. arbeta degen tills den släpper skålen.
6, ställ degen att jäsa i ca 10 min under bakduk
7, Sätt ugnen på 250 c
8, Placera ut pappersformarna på bakbord och arbeta tills den är smidig och släpper bordet utan mjöl
9, ta upp degen på mjölat bakbord och arbeta tills den är smidig.
10, Dela degen i 2 delar. Kavla ut varje del till en rektangel
11, Lägg hälften av fyllningen på varje del, rulla ihop degen till en rulle.
12, skär varje rulle i 10 olika stora delar och ställ dem i pappersformarna eller ställ dem direkt på plåten
13, Låt bullarna jäsa
14, Pensla med uppvispat ägg, strö över pärlsocker
15, Grädda dom i 6 min
16, Låt bullarna svalna på galler med bakduk.

onsdag 10 oktober 2012

Bikarbonatsbröd/bullar med Moa!

Sha! idag har jag gjort Bikarbonats bröd med Moa och dom blev jätte bra!

1 dl grahamsmjöl.
1 1/2 dl vetemjöl.
1/2 dl grov rågmjöl.
1/2 tsk salt.
1/2 dl solroskärnor.
1/4 dl linfrön.
1/4 dl torkade aprikoser (frivilligt).
2 1/2 dl filmjölk.
1/2 tsk bikarbonat.
2 1/2 msk sirap

Gör så här!
1. Blanda alla torra ingredienser i en bunke.
2. Blanda filmjölken och sirapen i en annan bunke.
3. Blanda i lite åtgången av de torra ingredienserna (ej aprikoserna) i filmjölken, rör om efter varje gång.
4. Hacka aprikoserna och blanda ut dom.
5. När allt är blandat klickar ni ut lagom stora klickar på en bakplåtsklädd.
6. Grädda i ugnen 175C j ca 10-15 min. De skall ej bara kladdiga när du sticker in en provsticke i dem och de skall vara hårda på ytan.

måndag 8 oktober 2012

Summary of ”Mystery on Mallorca”

When Claire wants Debbie to join her holiday at her parents house in Mallorca, They later on find a friend in Mallorca called Max and has also noticed weird things in Lion Rock. The two friends relaxes in the sunshine and swims around in the sea around Lion Rock, But when they’re mysterious neighbour, Herr Krainer who gets mad when they accidently swimmed to his private beach. and when fish in the sea is dying for no cause Debie and Claire starts to investigate and finds an enter to an secret cave, and inside the cave they find alot boxes full of dangerouse chemicals that has been leaking into the water and has been killing the fish, when Herr Krainer comes into the cave he shouts at them, he is standing on a boat and when Debbie and Claire manages to get out of the cave Herr Krainer starts to try to run over them and kill them, when max calls the coast guards that comes almost immediately with a boat they arrest Herr Krainer.

Summary of ”The Last Recording”.

Frederick is going to the language collage Cromwell to study English and get better at it. When he becomes friends with Beatriz which is also studying English weird things and noices start to happen in both number 15 in the language laboratory, And when the technic -ian Max dies when making a machine that will seperate the noises from the machine to an tape with only the weird and scary noices that comes from both 15, he dies by a witch that put a curse on a king that was in the same room along time ago, but the witch dont know how to write, so she makes and ”X” mark on the faces instead, wich Max had. The noices from machine 15 when transfered to only the voices it says ”help mee, release us, and the loudest voice was max’s voice! The witch was a very mean and ugly lady that put curses on alot of people for no reason.

onsdag 26 september 2012

Hemkunskap med Clara.

Hej! Idag har jag gjort rödbets soppa med Clara och den blev jätte god! Ingredienser: 3 färska rödbetor 1 lök 1 liten morot 1 klyfta vitkål (100g) 1 msk matfett 1/2 1 buljong (vatten + buljongtärning 2 varv med peppar. 1/2 lagerblad. 1/2 msk vinäger (behövs inte) och salt. Garnerings persilja och 2 msk gräddfil. Så här gör du! 1: Skölj, ansa och skär alla grönsakerna i fina strimlor, spar en av rödbetorna. 2: Smält matfettet i en kastrull och fräs de strimlade grönsakerna i ett par minuter. 3: Tillsätt buljong, peppar och lagerblad. 4: låt det sjuda i 25 min. 5: Råriv den sista rödbetan direkt ner i soppan. Då får soppan ett vacker mörkröd färg. Låt soppan sjuda ytterligare 5 min. 6: Smaksätt med vinäger ev salt. 7: Lägg i en klick gräddfil och klipp över persilja,soppan kan serveras varm eller kall.

tisdag 25 september 2012


Hi! Heres is mine and Noas dialog about words we got from Anna!.

måndag 17 september 2012

Words from Newsreel - med Nathalie

Words from Newsreel - Med Nathalie :D
• In the paralympics there are people who might not have any arms or are blind, they can play disabled sports. - Benjamin

• In the parliament there are important people. - Nathalie 

• I wear underpants. - Benjamin

• People with physical disabilities can't do the same things as other people. - Nathalie 
• In the olympics they lit a big fire with a torch. - Benjamin

• In the Paralympics they have to perform really good to be in the games. - Nathalie

• Usain Bolt is the worlds fastest running man. - Benjamin 

• India is going to abolish death penalty. - Nathalie

•  Judges can sentence people to death. - Nathalie

• Some flowers are very rare. - Nathalie

• People who have done bad things often go to prison. - Benjamin

• You are going to meet the judge in court. - Benjamin 

• What is your views and opinions? - Benjamin

• You can get banned for taking something without paying from a store. - Benjamin

fredag 7 september 2012

English Exercise

This period you got a new teacher and that is me; Lena. When I studied to become a teacher, I studied at a university in the Northern parts of Sweden. I enjoyed living there and I had an enormous luck, finding a place to live.

That was the best time of my life, because I could go to the movies even if it was an ordinary Tuesday and I could go exercising at 9 o'clock in the mornings. Me and my friend Helena were always going to a place called IKSU to exercise. We were not alone. There were thousands of other students going there too.

I have never regretted that I studied to become a teacher. My friend, Helena, also studied to become a teacher but now she has changed her mind and is now working as a librarian. That thought has never crossed my mind.

So, I won't tell you more about my years in Umeå which I enjoyed so much. Instead I will tell you about my family. I have a son and a daughter who are five and eight years old. My son likes to play a computer game that is called World of tanks. We also have a dog that is black and who likes to lay in the middle of the sun during the summer. We also have a cat. And four sheep. And ten fish. And I have a husband who likes to chop firewood.

Av: Ben10 Karlsson

torsdag 6 september 2012

Idag har jag och Samuel bakat Hönökakor 2 st.
25 g jäst
1 msk margarin
2 dl mjölk
1/2 tsk salt
1 msk sirap
3 dl rågsikt
2 1/2 - 3 dl vetemjöl
1 tsk bakpulver.

Hur man gör dom:
Sätt först ugnen på 300c
Och smula sedan ner jästen i en bakbunke
Smält sedan 1 msk margarin i en kastrull.
Häll sedan i 2 dl mjölk i det smälta smöret och låt degspadet bli fingervarmt (37 grader) och häll det sedan över jästen.
Rör om med en trä gaffel så att all jäst löses upp.
Tillsät sedam 1/2 tsk salt, 1 msk sirap och 3 dl rågsikt i degspadet och röres om.
Tillsätt sedan 2 1/2 dl vetemjöl, men häll inte i allting på en gång då blir det kaoz.
Lät sedan degen jäsa i bunken för ungefär 15 minuter och smörj medans två plåtar eller lägg på bakpapper.
1 tsk bakpulver strös över degen som knådas smidigt på mjölat bakbord och dela sedan degen på två delar som formas runda. låt dem ligga på bakbordet med bakduk över att jäsa i ca 15 minuter till.
Kavla ut utan att knåda degen till två stora 1/2 cm tjocka, runda kakor. Använd gärna en kruskavel.
Kakorna naggas med en brödnagg eller en gaffel.
Grädda sedan brödet i ugnen i ca 3-5 minuter, låt sedan de svalna på ett galler med bakduk över.

måndag 3 september 2012

Man använder Is när det är singular.
Och man använder are när det är Pluar

torsdag 30 augusti 2012

Hej! Idag på hemkunskapen har vi gjort muffins och dom blev jättefina och goda!
Jag jobbade med wEET
50 g margarin.
2 1/2 dl vetemjöl.
2 tsk bakpulver
2 ägg.
1 1/2 dl socker.
1/2 dl vatten eller mjölk.

Rivet  skal av 1 citron
2 tsk vaniljsocker
3 msk russin
2 msk kakao + 1 msk vaniljsocker
1 dl hackad frukt.

Gör så här.
1,Sätt ugnen på 225 grader, ställ 15-20 muffins formar på en bakplåt.
2, Smält margarinet i en kastrull och låt det svalna.
3, Blanda mjöl, bakpulver och smaktillsats i en liten skål.
4, Vispa socker och ägg poröst i en större skål.
5, Rör försiktigt ner mjölblandningen.
6, Rör ner det smälta margarinet.
7, Rör ner vatten eller mjölk i ägg smeten.
8, Häll upp smeten i formarna, fyll dem ungefär 2/3.
9, Ställ plåten mitt i ugnen. Grädda i cirka 10 min.
10, Kontrollera med provnål om kakorna är färdiga. Stick provnålen mitt i en muffins. Är nålen torr är kakorna klara!
11, Lägg muffinsen på ett bak galler att svalna med bakduk över.
12, Njut av dina goda choklad muffins!

tisdag 28 augusti 2012