tisdag 6 november 2012

First draft THE LADY.


Whenever I take the late shifts as watchman at a big mental hospital, I usually hear low pitched voices of a woman laughing coming from an empty cell.

It got me real scared the first times at my night shifts, but after a while I got used to it and it didn’t even frighten me anymore since I heard It almost every day.

After a while the laughter and crying became more and more higher and I could hear it easier and easier for ever day, It felt like it was coming closer to me, trying to speak to me.

There were this special night at my work. I heard a voice mumbling out ”you shouldn’t stay here, soon, nothing will be like the same here” and ended it with a laugh. And I were just sitting there, speechless about just happened, took a sip of my coffee and tried to concentrate on my work, but I just couldn’t since I hear the voice in my head after and after and after.

When coming back home to my apartment, ready to just go to bed I hear that my door closed itself, i didn’t even think about it until I were in my bed and the door opened itself, I started to wonder what the hell is going on, until I heard the woman’s laugh again.

 I laid in my bed, so frightened that i couldn’t even move, just laying there watching the door, the woman started laughing and in a quick second my door were slammed shut.

I couldn’t sleep that day, not at all.
But i still had to get up that night to work at the mental hospital, I didn’t want to but i had to anyways. The night in the hospital was extremely quiet, I didn’t hear any voices or strange noises for around 4 hours.

But it wasn’t until I heard a loud bang and crashing from my office, I rushed to my office to see that everything was ruined, something had thrown my desk chair and everything, all the papers were laying on the ground, I thought it was a burglar until i heard the laughter again.
It was her.

I heard a shallow whisper ”I told you, don’t stay here”
I couldn’t move, she started laughing again and I couldn’t take it anymore, I took my car and drove home and went directly to sleep.

The other day I hear from my boss that another watchman got killed the other night, the cops came but they didn’t find any traces from an person, It was like a ghost had killed him.
It was her.

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