fredag 14 mars 2014

A letter to Eva.

Hello Eva! My name is Benjamin and Im from Sweden, Halland, How are you?
Personally I am fine myself, I have just Watched the film Freedom Writers, and I have to say I am very proud of you, for actually not defending your own people, and thinking that Its better to help the innocent man, instead of falsely blaming him. And also facing the consequences of turning against your own family and "gang". And then standing up for yourself even when It feels like the whole world has turned against you, and being able to get help from Mrs.Gruwell

tisdag 11 mars 2014

Freedom writers, 6 questions with answers!

1. Why is trust such an important component of a teacher-student relationship? 
I think that trust is so important because the teacher needs to get to know her students, and know what the want to get help with, I think also that the students really needs to trust the teacher, and tell her their problems so she can help.

2. Why is Eva so affected by the ending of Anne Frank’s diary?
She was so affected by it because she thought that the ending would end up with Anne Frank surviving and living on a good life, but what happens in the end is that Anne Frank gets taken away by Hitlers forces, and gets killed.

3. Why does Ms. Gruwell’s students hate and resent her at first?
I think its because the students thought that she was like any other teacher they had, but Mrs.Gruwell shows them support and really believes in them, but she started showing that she believed in them by buying completely new books for them, which they noticed.

4. In what ways does Ms. Gruwell’s classroom become a family for the students? Do you have a “family” outside of your actual family?
Its because she shows that she believes in them, and supports them trough anything and helps them with their problems. Yes i think everyone does, i have a big group of friends which i can talk too and trust, and help you trough your problems and supports you, and i think everyone can have someone that they can trust in their lives.

5. Ms. Gruwell gives her students the opportunity to find success and graduate. Do you think the students continued along the path of success without the help of Mrs. Gruwell by their side? Why or why not?
Yes I think that the students continued having good grades, and continues up to college where they probably will end with a masters degree, I think the students probably would have continued being in a gang and not going to school.

6. Ms. Gruwell is the first teacher to show trust and respect for the “at risk” students at Wilson High. How does Erin Gruwell demonstrate this? Why are some students more resistant to trusting each other?
I think they are resistant to trusting each other because they're only used to talking to people in their "Gangs" and doesn't want to talk to the people outside of it, Erin shows her trust and respect by encouraging the students to talk to each other and share their thoughts.

måndag 10 mars 2014

Bloggning om musikvideon.

Hur har VI arbetat?
Jag tycker vi har arbetat extremt bra i våran grupp, vi har samarbetat som ett riktigt lag ska och vi har inte haft några konflikter imellan om hur vi skulle vilja ha det, och vi kom överens väldigt bra!

Hur har JAG arbetat?
Jag tycker att jag har presterat väldigt bra i och med hur vi lyckades få ihop våra klipp utan konstigheter, tycker även att det gick smidigt även fast vi använde greenscreen som kan vara knepigt ibland.

Kunde vi gjort något annorlunda?
Ja vi kunde klippt ihop våran video lite snabbare, Sandra och Emilia glömde av att filma sina delar fast det fixade dom ihop på en lektion som var väldigt bra, men jag tycker vi kunde kanske planerat lite bättre nästa gång! :)