fredag 17 maj 2013

A letter to Oliver.

Hello Oliver!
My name is Benjamin Karlsson, I am 14 years old and live in Ullared, Sweden. How I find you was because i read you’re book and it was extremely good.
What do you do in you’re spare time? what i usually do is go out in this nice and warm weather with my friends and longboard for a while, and then just go and relax and talk. I also go to school here in Ullared
I also have a brother who is 9, and a sister who is 16, And my two parents.
Im sorry for you loosing you’re mother in child labor, but did you’re father leave your mom?
I live in Ullared, a small village close to Falkenberg, here I live the ordinary life of an 14-year old teenager. Its both fun and boring to live here, its fun because there is so much people who is here in the summers, its also boring because there is not alot of people here.

To live in the 21st century is very nice, not alot of people are poor anymore and we are quite far into technology and style, we have computers, cellphones, tv’s and so much more electronic things that I am sure you would like. The 21st and 19st century are nothing alike from what I think, because we are extremely far into technology and medicin.

Well this was my letter, best wishes for you Oliver!

torsdag 16 maj 2013


Ingredienser till pannacottan.
3 dl matlagningsgrädde
1/2 dl muscvadosocker
2 st gelatinblad
1 tsk vanilj socker.

Gör så här:
1. Blötlägg gelatinet i minst 5 min i kallt vatten.
2. Koka upp grädden, muscovado socker och vaniljsocker.
3. Ta av grädden från plattan, och rör ner de urkramade gelatinbladen så de löser sig.
4. Häll upp i portionsformar och ställ i kyl ett par timmar tills pannacottan stelnat.

2 dl vetemjöl
1/2 dl strösocker
100g smör eller margarin.
2 tsk mald kardemumma.

Gör så här:
1. Sätt ugnen på 200°.
2. Blanda mjöl och socker.
3. Finfördela smöret i blandningen och arbeta ihop till en deg.
4. Forma degen till köttbollstora kulor.
5. Lägg dem på bakplåtspapper.
6. Tryck till kakorna med en mjölad gaffel.
7. Grädda kakorna i mitten av ugnen tills det börjar få färg, ca 10 min.
8. Låt kakorna kallna på plåten.